The "Manifesto" 1.0

So Leo Sunshine had a bunch of ideas running through his head for 50 years and then they sped up for a year and then he wrote them down in December of 2019.  This is the first draft.... 

OFFICIALLY named RadicalFaerieLiberation.School on December 23, 2019! (RFLS)

Just as in NOMENUS all are ministers and all are parishioners at RFLS all are students and all are teachers.  


An educational philanthropic corporation made up of shareholders and stakeholders in the Portland Radical Faerie Community and beyond.  In service to Cascadia Radical Faerie Resource (CRFR), the Church of Nomenus, and biennial global faerie gatherings (geographic and virtual).  Print On Demand (POD) products like gathering related t-shirt, mugs, calendars, poster prints, revolutionary literature (Faggots and their Friends Between Revolutions  books and artwork for sale! FFBR product line).  Online, pop-up, and physical members co-op sells queer gear, arts and crafts made by members, provides work, gathering, creative, meditative, and retreat spaces.  

RFSOL built on a commercial foundation of a website that sells merchandise related to, inspired by, and for the liberation of the community and all beings.  Build it around a Shopify store ($29 month).  Document process as we go along. Documentation of process becomes a course in how to teach and repeat the course for new Radical Faerie Corporatists (RFC’s).  Functions as a community cooperative that provides meaningful, fun, and rewarding exercises in community building (AKK “work, jobs, employment, career, etc”).

Principles and Basis for growth is 1) Social incentives (it’s fun, your friends are doing it!) 2) immediate rewards (I made something!  I helped someone!  I got paid!)  and 3) Progress monitoring (wow, look at how far I’ve come in a week, month, year!  I want to do more and be more like that person in front of me and better be able to help the people behind me).   

The web business would provide training and job opportunities.  People could be trained in website development and small business management as they learn to build, stock, and operate their own section of the store.  Website co-op members would keep and/or share profits from their products or endeavors.  Training would be in person as well as online (shared online syllabus, instructional videos). Paid volunteer hours are tracked.  People who wanted to work but didn’t need the money could bank their hours in a labor fund that is dispersed among members who need or request. 


FAENET continues to be developed as private, faerie controlled, virtual gathering space and for cyber exercise (cybercise!) in community building.  They have a phone app now and you don’t have to see dick photos!.  GOOGLE is also used as a kind of open source community development tool and  global access system. VIDEO: RadFaeTV has google youtube AND Xtube channels, PODCASTS and educational videos.  Deans of Culture Hacking, Ministers of Media, Head Information Officers, etc.

NOMENUS-WOLF CREEK-THE LAND:  The church, the community around the Sanctuary, and the Sanctuary itself.  RFSOL offers financial and structural support to Nomenus.

CRFR: Cascadia Radical Faerie Resource continues to support the Mother Gathering at Breitenbush, as well as all gatherings at Wolf Creek, and a Biennial Global Gathering.  Builds and maintains information bases on how to run, promote, value, and protect gatherings and sacred spaces for Radical Faeries in the Pacific Northwet.  RFSOL offers financial and structural support to CRFR. 

NRFC:  Northwest Radical Faerie Commonwealth provides financial services for the community.  Loans, money management, teaches financial literacy, investments, etc.

STUDENT HOUSING:  Radical Faerie Home Opportunities Maintenance Organization (RFHOMO):  Supports network of Radical Faerie Housing in Portland, at Wolf Creek, FaeBnB, coordinates with global faerie housing initiatives, owns and co-operates housing that is donated to or created for the community.  Run by House Mothers, Stay at Home Daddies, Resident Advisors, etc.  

CAMPUSES and CLASSROOMS: are any containers, both temporary and permanent:  Faerie houses, Faerie coffee, Wolf Creek, the parks, the streets,  etc. are all spaces for School of Liberation field trips and faerie circles.  Faerie circles and heart circles are Literal Liberation Circles (LLC’s)

WERQ & TWERK Spaces:  temporary and permanent, open and closed, private and public, containers for Radical Faerie to produce, play, and perform.   Includes private businesses like Triumph, DVHdesigns, etc. which offer locations for employment, co-working, and training opportunities.  

DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION:  Shared network of vehicles of all kinds; cars, trucks, campers, bikes, boats, etc. Private ownership and facilitate some group ownership (maintain the Land truck, provide economical vehicle as well as truck, etc!)

SOCIAL LABOR:  is valued, honored, and protected.

EMOTIONAL LABOR:   is valued, honored, and protected. 

SPIRITUAL LABOR:   is valued, honored, and protected. 

BEING HUMAN:   is valued, honored, and protected. 

ALL OF CREATION:  is valued, honored, and protected. 

More will be revealed…."